Fabio Lorenzo Sattin is Executive Chairman and Founding Partner of Private Equity Partners Spa and has more than thirty years of operational experience in the Private Equity industry both in Italy and abroad. He is Senior Contract Professor in Private Equity and Venture Capital at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan and was Vice President and Managing Director at Chase Investment Bank (now JP Morgan), operating in New York, London and Milan.
He is member of the Observatory on Public Private Partnerships of Bocconi University; of the Advisory Board of the Italian Society of Financial Analysts (AIAF); of the Past Chairmen Group of EVCA (European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association – now Invest Europe); Chairman of the Why Not Italy? Group; Faculty Member of the AIFO Academy (Italian Family Officer Association) and member of various scientific and research groups. Among others, he was Chairman of EVCA in 1994-1995; member of the General Council of Private Equity of the Italian Private Equity Venture Capital and Private Debt Association (AIFI); of the Supervisory Board of the Slovak Post Privatisation Fund (Bratislava) representing the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development); of the EU Expert Group on Private Equity and Venture Capital and board member of several Italian and foreign companies and institutions.
Graduated with honours in Business Economy at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, he has written a considerable number of publications regarding Private Equity, Finance and Business Economy.